Argentinian Hake (Merluccius hubbsi)

Product form

IQF (individually quick frozen), HGT (head off, gutted, tail off), IWP (individually poly-wrapped), packed in 20 kg master cartons
Blockfrozen, HGT (head off, gutted, tail off), Interleaved, packed in 20 kg master cartons
IQF fillets, skin off, packed in 18 kg master cartons (or according to customer specification)
Blockfrozen fillets, skin on, packed in 15 kg master cartons (or according to customer specification)

Size grading

HGT, IQF, IWP – 60-200/ 200-300 / 300-500 gr / 500-800 gr / 800-1200 gr
HGT, blocks, interleaved – 60-200/ 200-300 / 300-500 gr
Fillets, skin on, blocks, interleaved, glazing 2%, 2/4-4/6-6/8-8/10 oz, 3×6 kg packaging
Fillets, skin off, IQF, glazing 2%, 60-120 / 120-200 / 200 gr up, 3x-5 kg