Catching methods
Trawl and Purse sein
Catch areas
27 FAO, Norway, Iceland, Faroe islands, Russia
Brief description
Blue Whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) is a small pelagic fish which is referred to Cod family that lives most of its life at 200 to 600 meters depth. Blue whiting can reach a length of 47 cm, but its usual length 20-35 cm. It is widely distributed in the North-East Atlantic and is therefore an important link in the marine food chain, feeding on plankton crustaceans and small fish and being itself prey to a wide range of predatory fish, squid and marine mammals.The most important fishing areas for blue whiting are the spawning grounds west of the British Isles – where the fishery takes place before, during and after the spawning in February-April. Annual catch of Blue whiting exceeds 1,5 million metric tonnes, most of which is processed into animal food and fish oil.
Product form
WR, Block frozen (landfozen or seafrozen), block size 15,18, 20 kg, packed in master cartons
HG (seafrozen), block size 15,18, 20 kg, packed in master cartons
Size grading
WR – 20+, 23+, 25+, 30+ cm
HG – 20+ cm
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