Catch methods
Catch areas
FAO 82 – New Zealand, Australia
Brief description
Southern blue whiting or Polaca (Micromesistius australis) is a bottom-pelagic fish living in temperate and sub-Antarctic waters of the southern hemisphere. In contrast to its Atlantic counterpart (Northern Blue Whiting), it is a valuable table fish. It has a minimum percentage of fat and a dense meat structure. Commercial fishing is almost absent in Argentina and the Falkland Islands, with few exceptions for by-catch. In New Zealand, the season lasts about a month and usually comprises about 50% of the permitted quota. Southern Blue Whiting stock is MSC certified.
Product form
Blockfrozen at sea, headed, gutted, tail on – packed in cartons 2×11, 2×10 kg, 3×7 kg
Blockfrozen at sea, whole round – packed in cartons 2×11
Size grading
HG, blocks in cartons – 60-130 / 100-200 / 200-300 / 300-500 grams
WR, blocks in cartons – 100-300 / 300-600 / 600-900 / 900-1200 grams
Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis)
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